Why Does An Instrument Need to be Tuned?

A piano needs to be tuned regularly under its regular maintenance. With regular piano repair and tuning in Phoenix, AZ, you can avoid too much loosening of piano strings. Generally, pianos are easier to tune, set in good condition, and maintain their significance more easily when they are frequently tuned.

The strings of a piano can stretch after extensive use due to tension, which causes the instrument to go out of tune. A fundamental tuning procedure allows a certified technician to examine the piano for signs of similar deterioration or wear.

How Often Does this Instrument Need to be Tuned?

Typically, a standard tuning on an acoustic piano — whether a grand or an upright piano— should be carried out at least once every five to six months. That said, the condition of the instrument you have will determine if the instrument needs to be tuned frequently or less.

Brand New Pianos

New pianos may need more tuning, as many as three or four times yearly, to allow the strings to stretch and settle properly.

Regularly Tuned Pianos

Pianos that are tuned every six months to one year are regularly tuned pianos. They are usually in good condition and well cared for, and tuning work on these musical instruments typically doesn't take much longer than 50-60 minutes. A study found that 40 % of all pianos fall into this category.

Moderately Maintained Pianos

Moderately maintained pianos have not been tuned for at least one to two years or have either been recently moved. Tuning work on these instruments usually requires a professional technician to work on all tuning pins prior to tuning and can take more than two hours to complete. About half of all pianos are classified in the category of moderately maintained.

Neglected P ianos

A piano left for many years- ignored or neglected instrument that requires to be brought back into a functioning state. Instruments over 50-60 years old usually require a higher level of care, which involves three fine-tunings at a time and takes about three to four hours to complete. Only one-sixth of pianos are considered to be in this category.


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