Complete Your Hermit Crab Terrarium Kit with Latest Accessories

Hermits are highly sensitive during the transition of being purchased. They need plenty of space to relax, thus getting used to their new surroundings. You must know about the accessories if you have purchased a hermit crab terrarium kit online. These items can keep any hermit crabs entertained in their habitat. 

What can you get with the Terrarium Kit?

Terrarium kit is of different shapes and sizes made from high-quality plastic, non-toxic, non-irritating, safe, and non-deformation for use. These are enough to support all your crab's daily activities. Let’s look at what accessories you get the first time you buy a hermit crab terrarium online.

    • Plastic Cage- The cage comes in different sizes (large, medium, small); you can choose according to the size of the crabs.

    • Hermie Hut- Your crabs settle in these huts; hermie hut comes in different painted colors.

    • Neon Tube- It gives direction to your crabs when your rooms are shady. These tubes do not require any electricity to be bright.

    • Coco Fibre Substrate- Crabs enjoy climbing and trekking on the husk. The coco fibre substrate is obtained from the external husk of the coconut.

    • Palm Tree Feeder Dish- As crabs love to climb, thus crabs' dishes are arranged on palm trees.

    • Natural Sponge- When you get your hermit crab terrarium kit online, it comes with a natural sponge. Hermit crabs enjoy drinking their water through a sponge rather than an open water dish.

    • Shells- Crabs use shells for their protection from any wild crabs. You can get these crabs in different painted colors.

Note: These are those accessories that come with a terrarium kit. 

Other Important Accessories For Crabs

    • Saltwater Pools

Crabs enjoy living in water, adding this accessory to the cage can enhance the activities of your crabs. Make sure your pool should be deep enough for your largest crab to submerge in and also add a ramp for little ones to crawl out.

    • Water Conditioner

Pouring tap water into a terrarium kit can be harmful, and can irritate your crab.

Use a freshwater conditioner to keep your water safe. 

    • Food

Hermits can eat almost anything. Your hermits’ diet should consist of fruit, vegetables, grains, protein calcium, and vegetation. Adding honey and natural oils can also promote a healthy molt.

The Final Thoughts

Are you thinking of adding a hermit crab to your family? Buy a hermit crab terrarium kit online. It comes with some basic accessories. In addition, if you want to add a more aesthetic look to your terrarium, then look for the above-mentioned accessories.  


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