What Is Trace Mineral Supplement

Trace mineral supplements contain essential nutrients that the body needs, and they are often taken in small doses. Even though the body needs just small quantities of these supplements, they are essential for healthy development. 


Below are a few types of trace minerals and their functions.

    1. Chromium. 

This is used to regulate blood sugar and insulin in the body. Chromium is usually found in nuts, cheese, liver, and whole grains

    2. Copper. 

This type of trace mineral helps build the bone and cartilage in the body. They can be found in meats, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. It also ensures the best use of iron in the body

    3. Fluoride.

 This helps in the development of the teeth and bones to prevent decay. It can be found in fishes, water, and certain teas naturally containing fluoride. It is advisable to stick to your daily dose of fluoride. 

    4. Iron. 

Iron is an essential trace mineral supplement used to supply blood in pregnant women. It can be found in poultry, meats, cereals, grains, nuts, etc. 

Factors That May Lead to Trace Mineral Deficiency 

The following are some reasons your body may be lacking trace minerals. They include; 

    1. Lack of a balanced diet. A balanced diet actually contains all the necessary nutrients your body needs. It is essential to ensure that you have a good diet whenever your body lacks trace minerals. Lack of balance diet is a trace to a mineral deficiency.

    2. Your environment. Your environment has a massive role in the quantity and quality of trace minerals found in your food. 

    3. Gastrointestinal diseases. A person with an inflamed or infected gastrointestinal tract may find it challenging to absorb several minerals and nutrients. This can either result in excess loss of minerals or decreased absorption. 

    4. Surgery. Surgeries that affect the bowel segments can affect the intake of minerals in the body. 

    5. Pregnancy. The body loses a lot of trace minerals during pregnancy. 

    6. Other causes of trace mineral deficiency include fatigue, decreased mental capacity, decreased immune system, and even slow metabolism. 


While a healthy diet is the best trace mineral supplement, your body may experience a lack of these minerals through pregnancy, strenuous exercise, gastrointestinal diseases, and even strict vegetarian diets.  However, the body needs these minerals to ensure the healthier growth of the body's hormones while supporting the blood system. These minerals also ensure that the neurological function and enzymes in the body are properly developed.  


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