Family-Based Immigration Overview

Under Federal Law, United States citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPR) can bring their family members into the country. The most usual type of legal immigration, family-based immigration, makes up two-thirds of immigration into the USA. This process allows U.S. citizens and LPRs to sponsor some family members for green cards. Sponsoring based on some family ties avoids restrictions on the number of visas issued each year under other categories, but the more family links, the less visas available yearly.

Petitioners and Beneficiaries

Family-based immigration requires the involvement of at least two family members, a petitioner, and a beneficiary. The petitioner must be a lawful permanent resident or U.S. citizen who intends to sponsor an overseas family member for a permanent residency. The beneficiary is a member of a family who comes from overseas and wishes to get a green card. The beneficiary may be a spouse and kids who qualify as derivative beneficiaries in some categories.

To know more or for legal assistance with the family-based immigration process, contact an experienced family-based immigration attorney in your area.

Immediate Relative and Family Preference Categories

All family-based immigrants categorize into two forms, immediate relative or family preferences. Parents, Spouses, and unmarried children (below 21 years of age) of U.S. citizens come under immediate relatives. There is an infinite number of immigrant visas available per year for immediate relatives of Americans. All other qualified relationships come under the family preference category. In this category number of immigrant visas are limited.

Family-Based Immigration Attorney

Many reputed Immigration law firms have experienced immigration lawyers who want to help your loved ones immigrate to the United States through the Family-Based Immigration Procedure.

The best Immigration lawyer can explain the procedures and necessities involved with different forms of family-based immigration. In most cases, clients are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents who wish to bring their relative or permanent residence to the U.S. — spouses, parents, fiancés, children, sisters or brothers, cousins.

Visas for immediate relatives are named as:

· K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa

· K-3 Visa (spouses)

· V Visa

Other family members or family-sponsored preferences include:

· First Preference (F-1) – unmarried daughters and sons (older than 21) of USA citizens  

· Second Preference (F-2) –children and spouses, unmarried daughters and sons of legal permanent residents (LPRs).

· Third Preference (F-3) – married daughters and sons of U.S. citizens and their spouses and kids.

· Fourth Preference (F-4) – brothers and sisters of adult citizens and their minor children.

This is general information about family-based immigration. Please seek the advice of a family-based immigration attorney who is an expert in this area of law.


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