What is Sensory Profile Assessment and Analysis

Sensory profile assessment is necessary to identify the sensory and motor factors that affect and influence the development of an individual’s autonomy. It can be defined as the assessment of sensory perception, modulation, integration, discrimination, and other motor skills, like bilateral coordination, posture, and balance.

Sensory profile assessment and analysis evaluates different sensory processing patterns of various individuals and identifies its effect on their active participation at home, school, or in community-based activities. It is a test that identifies how a child’s behavior is influenced by their ability to process their senses.

What is Sensory Processing?

Sensory processing is a neurological function normally experienced by people when their brain processes sensory information from their surrounding environment. It is a broad term that describes how neural systems handle sensory input, including different functions of receptor organs and the central and peripheral nervous systems. In simpler terms, it is the way the neural system (brain) receives, organizes, and responds to sensory input from the environment and one’s body to produce meaningful and consistent behavior.

Sensory information can be processed from different sensory modalities. These could be visual (what we see), olfaction (what we smell), gustatory (what we taste), auditory (what we hear), tactile (what we feel through the skin), vestibular and proprioceptive (how our limbs are positioned and where we are in space).

Assessment and Analysis of Sensory Processing in Children

Assessment of sensory processing involves the use of standardized tests, administration of questionnaires, and clinical observations. Sensory profile assessment tests can be administered to children right from birth to 14 years of age. There are about 15 tests available primarily for the US population. Nine of these tests are applicable to children in preschool up to grade 12. The most commonly used tools are the Sensory Profile, Sensory Integration and Praxis Test, and the Sensory Processing Measure.

What is a Sensory Meltdown?

Sensory meltdown is a flight, fright, or freeze response to sensory overload; when the brain is maxed out on sensations. Very often, sensory meltdowns are beyond the child’s control, it’s a reaction to sensory stimuli or something in the environment. It could be as a result of difficulties in sensory processing and often mistaken for tantrum. Understanding sensory meltdown is important in detecting the difference between a tantrum or misbehavior and a sensory meltdown. Sensory meltdowns is commonly caused by being in a new or challenging situation, change in routine or lack of sleep.


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